When you are investing your hard earned money on an apartment, you want to make sure everything is in a top notch condition before you sign the lease of the apartments in West Phoenix. Here are some things to look out for in the bedroom and kitchen during apartment inspection. Thank us later.
In the Bedroom
- Windows
Run your hand along the window edge to check for leaks. If the insulation is poor means you will face cold nights. Inspect the lock on the windows to guarantee a safe night’s sleep.
- Closet
Make sure that there is no damage to the floor. Inspect all built-ins for sturdiness. If you have permanent hanging rods, check their status too. Closets are where mice and roaches are found, so inspect that as well. Ensure which doors open and close easily.
- Bed
In a furnished apartment, inspect every part of the bed for damage, cracks, loose bolts etc.
- Ceiling fan.
If there are any, turn them on and off to check if they are working properly.
- Floors
Check out the floor or carpet where the bed goes and ensure that there aren’t any dents on it.
In the kitchen
- Oven and stove
Turn on the stove to ensure that it heats up quickly as expected. Open and close the door to ensure a good seal. On the stove, turn on every burner to see if they all work.
- Sink
Turn on the water to check the water pressure. Ensure that the temperature changes whenever required. Then turn on the garbage disposal for a few seconds to see if the flow of the water is smooth and consistent. Inspect the base of the sink and underneath for water damage or cracks.
- Refrigerator
Inspect all the stripping around the doors to ensure a proper seal. Dry or loose sealing must be fixed. Look inside the fridge and the freezer to ensure that they are at the right temperature. Check if the lights turn on, missing or cracked trays and shelves, ice maker is working fine.
- Cabinets, counters, and drawers
Open and close every door and drawer to check if they squeak and if they are flush on the hinges. Check every cabinet and drawer for water damage.
- Other kitchen appliances
If there is a built in microwave, inspect that the door closes and works accurately. You can also try heating something up. Inspect the dishwasher for leakage and odors. Turn it on and wait for it to run and turn it off. Inspect all the recessed lightings if they work properly and there is no damage to the floor, particularly under and around the refrigerator.