A clean home can be quite beneficial to the human psyche. Decluttering your living space can be a signal for a fresh start and a better tomorrow.

Learn more about removing all unnecessary junk from your house and your life by following the handy checklists and helpful advice below.

Cleaning Checklist

1. Kitchen and Laundry Room

  • Organize items (i.e., pots and cooking utensils) in kitchen drawers.
  • Make sure plates, forks and spoons are in the proper cabinets.
  • Throw away expired food in the fridge or pantry.
  • Take down any paper notes, letters or bills stuck on the refrigerator.
  • Neatly arrange laundry soap, detergent and dryer sheets.

2. Bathrooms

  • Organize shampoos and conditioners in the shower.
  • Throw away any empty bottles.
  • Fold towels.
  • Clean the mirror.
  • Replace rugs with new ones.

3. Living Room or Family Room

  • Dust the TV and other electronics.
  • Vacuum the carpet.
  • Place any old magazines or newspapers in the trash.
  • Keep any extra items in the living room, such as toys and throw blankets, inside a basket or other container.

4. Bedroom

  • Go through your clothes in the closet and take out the ones you don’t frequently wear. Donate them to a charity.
  • If there is space under your bed, store things down there so they can be kept out of sight.
  • When going through kids’ bedrooms, look for toys that they don’t play with anymore. You could also get your kids involved and talk to them about donating. Let them choose which items to pass onto someone else.

5. Home Office

  • Throw away any unnecessary paperwork, old bills or mail.
  • Arrange important documents into separately labeled piles.
  • Wipe the desk down.
  • Remove any distracting items.

Home Cleaning Advice

1. Concentrate on one room or section of the house at a time

Cleaning (specifically, decluttering a home) is an extensive job. It’s best to do it methodically. Work your way through each part of the house, and carry a laundry basket with you. If you see an item that doesn’t belong in the room you are currently cleaning, place it in the basket.

Take your time and don’t worry if it takes several days or even weeks. You could tackle one room every day if you want or schedule some cleaning duties for the weekend. Also, don’t forget to give yourself some time to rest.

2. Separate your things into six categories

Create six categories, as follows:

●      Misplaced Items — These refer to the items you found in each room as you were cleaning. Put them back in their proper place.

      Broken or Torn Belongings — These are things that need to be fixed.

●      Stuff to Throw Away — These are things that can’t be salvaged or are no longer of any use. This also refers to trash you may find as you are cleaning each room.

●      Donation Pile — Old clothes, toys, and other items you don’t use anymore can be donated to charities. As the saying goes, one man’s trash can be another one’s treasure.

●      Items that Belong in Storage — These are items that you want to keep but may not fit in the home, or things you do not want to keep and see in the house every day. Search for a company that offers excellent storage services to keep your possessions safe.

3. Prepare a Basket of Cleaning Supplies

As you clean each room of the house, carry a basket of cleaning supplies with you. Some items you may want to have handy are all-purpose cleaners, a sponge or scrub, and a damp cloth for dust bunnies.

4. Seek Help from Professionals

You don’t have to clean your home alone. Seek out professional cleaners who can help you with the workload.

Decluttering your home may also require more storage space. Consider renting a storage unit to keep seasonal items, like holiday decorations, collapsible pools for the winter or portable heaters for summertime.

Benefit from Decluttering Your Home

There are many health benefits to be had from decluttering your home. A clean house is believed to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and boost productivity as well as creativity. Do some spring cleaning in your home today and wake up to a whole new place with a fresh perspective.

AUTHOR BIO :- Chris Humphrey is the General Manager of Easytruck Moving & Storage. In 2013, the company combined their expertise in professional moving services and storage to create an entirely new approach to the business – and mobile storage was born! Easytruck now operates over 30,000 sq.ft. of air-conditioned facilities in three convenient locations in Dubai and is the only Mobile Storage operator in the UAE.